Bible, Christian, Motherhood, Uncategorized

The Golden Rule

As I cruise the social media platform, Facebook, I see so much negativity. Remember when we were younger and we were taught "The Golden Rule"? There seems to be a virus of forgetfulness that has spread faster than this coronavirus, and it has been circulating for quite a while now. It just won't go away.… Continue reading The Golden Rule

Bible, Christian

Who is Jesus?

In my last blog I posed a question towards the end. That question was, "Who is Jesus?" I had mentioned Him multiple times in my blog. How rude of me to not introduce you to the most important person in my life. Historically, Jesus was a man that walked the earth over 2,000 years ago.… Continue reading Who is Jesus?


Up & Down–Riding The Proverbial Rollercoaster of Life

Our family has been through a lot of changes. I considered writing about it for you many times, but it was easier to deal with it through journaling, praying, and just pushing forward. I don't like posting about my struggles. I want to be positive, happy, and encouraging. Only recently have I admitted to myself… Continue reading Up & Down–Riding The Proverbial Rollercoaster of Life

Bible, Christian, Motherhood, Uncategorized


I have a disclaimer. Do not rely on the information in this blog as advice from a qualified professional, which I am not. All information presented is subjective and founded on personal experiments performed over a period of 22 years on three unsuspecting individuals.  Parenting—Seriously There are three types of parents. The helicopter parent, the… Continue reading Parenting–Seriously


Those in the Water

My daughter, Jayci Paige, wrote this beautiful allegory. Read, and enjoy. It is awesome. I am so proud of my daughters and their ability to weave words into beautiful works of art.

Jayci Paige

If you know me, I love stories. Here is a short story that I wrote recently. Let me know what you think about it! I would love to know your interpretation of the story.


She stands at the edge of the water staring out towards those in the depths. Her head cocks to one side out of curiosity. They smile with their lips and move so gracefully with the waves as if to dance with the tide.

“How peculiar,” she whispers. Those in the water look different than she. Their skins were smooth and noticeable. Each individual was covered with a white suit made for the waters.

“Why can I see them? Why aren’t they hiding?” She ponders aloud. “Who are they?”

Those in the water see her and encourage her to come join them in the depths. To join them in the freedom and love they all share…

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Where in the world is Kaitlyn?

My daughter is the author of The Witches’ Sleep and World of the Beasts. She is currently working on the last book of this trilogy. Cheer her on. Pray for her. As a nurse on a critical care floor it is hard for her to finish this project, but she wants to continue with her dream to write and share her creations with the world. When going to her blog you can check out her bio and find links to the social media sites that you can connect with her on.
Have a blessed week y’all.
Momma Birdy

Kaitlyn Deann

What? Huh?



Oh. Um. I’m right here.

raisehand *shyly raises hand*

I’ve pretty much come to accept that I’m REALLY bad at this blog thing. But I hold out for MAYBE ONE DAY I’LL KICK INTO GEAR AND ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THE HECK I’M DOING HERE. Until then, you’ll just have to deal with the random blog posts every few months.

I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me!


So, what’s happened to me since June? Well, 5 months happened. (Bad joke, sorry). Honestly, not very much. I passed A&P I and II (yay me!) and I passed my HESI exam (which is the entrance exam I needed for the nursing program I’m looking into). Buuuuut I have to wait until April’s application period for the school I want to go to because I still need to pass the TSI math… And I haven’t done that kind of math since…

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