Motherhood, Uncategorized

Encouragement for Homeschooling Mommas


Homeschool Mommas:

I want to encourage you today. Make a mission statement for your homeschool, if you haven’t done so already. If you already have one, read it. Remind yourself why you homeschool and what your goals are for homeschooling.

“There are many ways to think about and write your mission statement. The idea is to find what fits your family best and what will help you define goals to keep you focused in the right direction.” -Proverbial Homemaker

My mission statement for homeschooling looks a lot like a faith statement. I did this because my faith in Jesus Christ is a part of everything that I do. I included scriptures in my statement and then an explanation as to what that meant for our school. This practice of having a statement and reading it periodically has helped me over the years to refocus or stay focused on the main thing. It is so easy to go down those rabbit holes only to emerge overwhelmed and ladened with worry (thinking that your going to mess up your kids). We need to remind ourselves of our original conviction to do what we are doing. Cover your school in prayer and keep pressing forward. I have found that nothing in life worth doing is easy. Homeschooling isn’t easy, but the reward is super sweet.

I have graduated two from our homeschool. They are thriving beautifully. When people commend them on their maturity and their work ethic they are quick to point out that they were homeschooled.

I am still in the trenches with you. I have one more student left in our homeschool. Do I still have fears creep in? Yes, but now when I reread my statement to encourage and refocus myself I also have two successes that I can glean encouragement from.

Another great way to stay encouraged is to be in a homeschool group. Surround yourself with people who are doing life in a similar manner as you are. Being in a homeschool group does wonders for the children as well. I have been without a homeschool group and I am currently in one. Lord willing, I will never be in a situation again where I don’t have my homeschooling community to lean on.


Momma Birdy

P.S. Here is a link to an article that will help you to write your mission statement.


1 thought on “Encouragement for Homeschooling Mommas”

  1. Homeschooling is such a wonderful, important vocation. I wish I could have had the opportunity to homeschool my children 40 years ago. This is a very encouraging post. I enjoyed it very much.

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